Moving On: The Right Way to Leave Your Company and Find a New Job

Arkansas Hiring and Employment trends in 2021

Wherever you work, the following tips are good advice if you are thinking about leaving a job and wondering how to find a new job you love.

The grass on the other side may look greener now but if you are on the fence about looking for a new job, you may want to think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons before making your decision. If you have created a pro-con list for leaving your job and the “pro” list is much longer than the “con,” then it may be time for a change and you should probably look into how to find a job you love.

Work On Your Resume

No matter what field you work in, you should keep notes about what your job duties entail so that you can easily update your resume. This way, you can be sure to list all of the important duties that you perform. If you know that you are looking for a new job, it might also be wise to join professional groups or volunteer in your community so that you are able to network and build up activities for your resume.

Before You Go

Some reasons for leaving positions like clerical jobs, such as poor communications between management and workers, could be remedied by bringing it to the attention of supervisors and getting the ball rolling. On the other hand, if pay and benefits are contributing factors to leaving, those are usually not as negotiable. Or you may have hit a professional plateau and there’s nowhere else to go within the organization.

Find a New Job Before You Leave the Old One

The saying that it is easier to find a new job if you’re already working is still true: you will be much less stressed about getting the job (since you already have a paycheck coming in) and more natural in interviews. Squeezing in interviews during normal work hours may be difficult, but most prospective employers will understand the need for flexibility.

If you are looking for office jobs in Central Arkansas, the best way to make use of limited interview time is to work with an experienced staffing specialist such as those with Apex Staffing, to zero in on the best clerical jobs available.

Have a Savings “Cushion” for Backup

While it is always best to have the new job ready and waiting before leaving an old one, sometimes this is not possible, depending on your current employment situation. In that case, before you leave try to have at least 6 months of income set aside for expenses to tide you over. Most experts believe that it takes at least that long to find a job or even longer, depending on location and availability. Plan ahead!

Give Plenty of Notice and Don’t Burn Bridges

The standard notice is two weeks, which is usually enough time for most companies to hire your replacement. However, if you have a lot of responsibilities or are in management, you may wish to extend it a bit to three or four weeks or offer to help with any transition tasks if your current position is harder to fill. You should also make a list of what you do on the job so that your replacement knows his or her new duties.

Say Thank You

As you leave your job, you should thank your coworkers, managers, and bosses for the opportunity to work with them. Leave on a high note and make them remember you in a positive light. After all, you never know when you might need a letter of reference in the future!

If you’re looking for a new job, check out our Job Openings page + to see what’s available. Apex Staffing specializes in connecting talented job seekers with high-quality, local employers. Our service is completely free for job seekers and we are always accepting applications.